Alternative Education
Site Based Independent Study
The Site Based Independent Study Agreement is an educational plan for students who are going to be out of school for one (1) or more consecutive days not to exceed fifteen (15) for reasons other than illness or injury.
The Site Based Independent Study Agreement length is from 1 to 15 days.
The Site Based Independent Study Agreement is required and must be signed by the parent, student, teacher and site administrator prior to commencing Independent Study.
The agreement specifies the amount of work to be completed, the amount of time to be spent each day, when the work will be turned in to the teacher and how the work will be evaluated.
Agreements must include a written reason for requesting Independent Study.
No individual with exceptional needs, as defined in Education Code 56026, may participate in Independent Study unless his/her individualized education program specifically provides for such participation.
A Site Based Independent Study Agreement must be requested at least five school days prior to a planned absence to ensure teachers can prepare materials.
A Site Based Independent Study Agreement WILL NOT be issued for the first two weeks or last two weeks of school.
The Independent Study Agreement must be approved and completed BEFORE the student is out of school.
For more information or to apply for Site Based Independent Study please contact your child's school.