Lisa Shaw
(925) 634-8583 fax
Please make sure you have a return fax listed, we will not email back your request.
Employment Verifications : (for loans/income only)
Because of phishing issues, BUSD cannot accept any VOE's via email OR provide any verbal verifications over the phone.
VOE's and Reverifications will only be accepted by fax with the Release of Authorization attached.
VOE turnaround time is 3 business days.
Must have a return fax number listed. Will not return via email.
Work Experience Verifications : (Human Resources only)
ALL Work Experience Employment Verifications can only be processed by Human Resources . Please fax your request to the Certificated or Classified Personnel Specialist listed below:
Certificated: Gabrielle Villasenor
Classified: Lisa Dekruif-Wooten
Lisa Shaw
(925) 634-8583 fax
Please make sure you have a return fax listed, we will not email back your request.
Human Resources Personnel Specialist
(925) 634-4657 fax