Measure B District Facilities Committee

Bond projects will be phased in over the next several years.  The projects approved by the voters will be prioritized and built as bond money becomes available.  Prioritization of projects will be challenging, but our district will have dramatically improved facilities over the next decade as a result of Measure B.  A District Facilities Committee was formed to make prioritization recommendations to the Board of Education.  The Board has the final say, but desires and values input into their decision making.

July 24, 2019 - School Board Approval or Reordered list of prioritized Projects

The School Board approved a reorder of the list of Measure B projects based on changes in projected enrollment and timing for construction of a new school.

September 28, 2016 - School Board Approval of Prioritization of Projects

The School Board approved the prioritization recommendations from the District Facilities Committee process. The document below identifies the prioritization of bond projects and the estimated date when they would start.

The first $25 million worth of bonds are scheduled to be sold in December of 2016 which would be followed by the start of the projects listed in group 1.  Groups 2 and 3 are estimated to be sold in the fall of 2018 and fall of 2020, respectively.  These timelines could adjust depending on market conditions.

September 12, 2016 - District Facilities Committee Meeting #2

The District Facilities Committee met for the second time at 4:00PM.  They reviewed the meeting notes from the 9/6/16 Meeting.  The committee received an overview PowerPoint of the different variables that could impact the pace of projects and bond sales entitled "What Could Change?"  The committee was given an overview sheet that showed the initial group bucket placements from meeting #1.  The committee was then presented with a draft combined scenario that took into consideration all of the group recommendations as well as recommendations from the architectural and financial consultants for the district.  The groups worked together to evaluate the combined scenario and they then shared whether they wanted to move projects up, down, or keep projects where they were.  The group gave consensus to move forward with the list while identifying some projects that could be potentially moved up or down if funds became available.  The final recommendation reflects that desire. The District facilities Team did an excellent job of further narrowing the recommendations to the board.  The Board of Education will make the decision based on all input received throughout the process.

September 6, 2016 - District Facilities Committee Meeting #1

The District Facilities Committee met from 4:00 to 6:00 PM.  They received an overview on selling bonds from KNN, the district financial consultant.  The committee then received an overview on projects, planning and the state school construction process from WLC Architects.  The committee reviewed the Measure B survey data that was completed by 505 parents, staff and community members.  The committee broke into 5 groups and used all of that information to make draft prioritization recommendations to the board.  The groups then viewed each of the recommendation lists and summarized with sharing as an entire committee.  In next weeks meeting, the committee will start with some scenarios based on the prioritization work they did in the first meeting.  Their goal will be to further narrow the recommendations to the board.  The Board of Education will make the decision based on all input received throughout the process.

August 26, 2016 - District Facilities Committee Formed

Thank you to everyone who applied.  The following applicants were selected to the committee that will meet on September 6th and 13th, 2016.

August 12, 2016 - District Facilities Committee Application Process

The committee will meet from 4:00 to 6:00 PM on September 6th and 12th in the BUSD Board Room.   If you are interested in participating on this committee, please complete the attached application and return by August 19th, 2016, to Dana Eaton, Superintendent, at the BUSD District Office at 255 Guthrie Lane.