Brentwood Embraces Students Together (BEST) Group

Welcome Parents!

Would you like to learn more about special education?  Would you like to meet other parents of students in special education?  Are there questions you'd like to ask our Special Education Director? Join our BEST group!

For the 2024 / 2025 school year, we will meet every month at the Brentwood Union School District Office located at 255 Guthrie Lane on Tuesday evenings from 5:30-7:30.

The first half of the meeting will be a short training on a specific special education topic where parents can get information about how the school district works, what to do if their child is struggling in school, and learn about special education and the IEP process.  They can also ask specific questions relevant to their own child and situation.

The second half of the meeting will be an in-depth listening session for our Director to hear from parents and respond to their concerns and for parents to get support from the District and from each other.  

Join Us at the BEST Meeting!

Here is the schedule of our upcoming BEST Meetings:

Tuesday, September 17, 5:30-7:30

Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) at home.

AAC In the Home - English

AAC In the Home - Spanish

Tuesday, November 19, 5:30-7:30

Parent Participation in the IEP Process. An overview of the IEP, goals, accomodations, and monitoring progress.

BEST Parent Presentation from CCSELPA - English

BEST Parent Presentation from CCSELPA - Spanish

Tuesday, January 21, 5:30-7:30

Transitions - What to expect next year if moving to elementary, middle or high school.

Tips for Transitions - English

Tips for Transitions - Spanish

Tuesday, April 15, 5:30-7:30

Executive Funcitoning Skill at Home - How to help your students with independence and organization.

Join us to talk about special education and get your questions answered!

Join Us!

BEST is our District club for parents of students with exceptional needs.  Join us for monthly meetings where you can learn about special education topics, network with other parents of students with special needs and chat with the Director of Special Education.