Mrs. Shodeen's students created impactful and detailed human rights posters. #ehmsbobcats

Mrs. deFremery's math class created robots using specific shapes. The students were very creative. #ehmsbobcats

Mrs. Gonzalez's students sewed awesome monsters! #ehmsbobcats

Ms. Jenkins' computer students had the opportunity to race their cars today! Thank you Ms. Jenkins for making your classes exciting and fun! #ehmsbobcats

So incredibly proud of our Bobcats as they performed The Thirty-Three Little Pigs. The show was fantastic and funny! Thank you Mrs. U for all the time, planning, and preparation and for making this possible for Edna Hill. #ehmsbobcats

It was great celebrating our Perfect Attendance Bobcats today. Each one received an ice cream treat. #ehmsbobcats

Great presentation from FEAT this evening on the topic of Anxiety and Teens for our EL families. We look forward to our partnership! #ehmsbobcats

Our cheerleaders proudly support our basketball players. #ehmsbobcats

Our TUPE leaders attended the Teens Tackle Tobacco conference. So proud of these leaders. #ehmsbobcats

Great coding happening in Ms. Jenkins' computer classes. Very impressive and the sounds were creative too! #ehmsbobcats

Today we showed our amazing Bobcat Staff some love. We appreciate you ALL so much! #ehmsbobcats

EHMS Science Night was a success! #ehmsbobcats

Mr. Hulstrom's Le champion winners for this week with a 3.87 GPA! Congratulations Bobcats! #ehmsbobcats

Mr. Valdes' class went on a nature walk as they learned about science. #ehmsbobcats

Congratulations to our Employees of the Year! Mrs. Rubin teaches 8th grade LA/SS and Jorge Pimentel is our amazing custodian. We are so lucky to work along side such wonderful people! #ehmsbobcats

A HUGE THANK YOU to our parents for supporting our students and their attendance. They provided over 200 sundaes to our January Perfect Attendance students! #ehmsbobcats

We appreciate our counselors! They do HEART work and we love them! #ehmsbobcats

Mrs. Vasarhely's 7th graders had fun with bubbles to learn about circumference. #ehmsbobcats

Our wonderful kitchen staff share pictures from when they were young. The students loved it! #ehmsbobcats

Mrs. Narez’s math classes celebrated the 100th day of school! #ehmsbobcats