It was snowing today in Garin TK! Complete with a snowball fight.
Officer Bollinger's final clap out through Garin! We are all so thankful for all you did for us and our families.
'Tis the season for crazy holiday hair and headwear @ Garin!
Garin's 9th annual holiday sing-along! The WHOLE school together on the quad for the sing-along! This year, there was even some bubble snow!
The staff room at Garin has been turned into a gingerbread house. Thank you @garinpta!
Thank you Mothers of Brentwood for your generosity! We truly appreciate you and your commitment to supporting families in our community!
Garin families...Let's rally! our bins of canned food are a little short this year. Help us fill these bins before Friday morning. Bring in those cans and nonperishable foods!
The Grinch came Garin today!!!
Garin students and staff celebrate light festivals and celebrations from around the world and get set to have movie night together!
WINNERS of this year's annual Garin Gobble Off!
Look at these amazing award winners! It's Garin's first batch of awesome Principal's Award winners. Their teachers and Ms. Martin are so proud of them.
Garin 3rd graders and their teachers participate in their annual Turkey Trot!
PTA hosts an amazing Friendsgiving! Thank you Garin PTA for the give-back to families!
Thank you, Ms. Montes, Mrs. Rocha, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Head for hosting Garin's annual First Grade Square Dance!
Today we celebrated Mrs Geis' & Mrs Quesada's class for having the highest monthly perfect attendance percentages! Congratulations!
Our 2nd graders hosted a bat museum in the quad. There were some great facts and habitats for everyone to enjoy!
We had our 1st Annual "Anything but a Pumpkin" contest- where classes designed a "pumpkin" inspired project without actually using a pumpkin! Mrs Schultz & Mrs Doctolero's classes were the top winners and treated to a movie & popcorn!
Garin students in Mr. Feague and Mrs. Head's classes are putting their heads together to explore science phenomena!
Ms. Martin switched places! Spirit week was fun when students dressed like the adults and the adults dressed like the kids!
The thought of the rapidly approaching fall break has some of us going a little "crazy"!!!! Look at all this hair!