Isaac R. Montañez Elementary Open Enrollment for new-to-BUSD students grades 1st-5th will begin April 8th, 2024. Enrollment for new TK/K students is currently ongoing but will pause during BUSD Spring Break and resume on April 8th. Please following these steps to complete your student's registration:
1. Please verify that Isaac Montañez Elementary is your boundary school. If it is not, you will need to register at the designated boundary school.
2. Complete the ONLINE Pre-Enrollment.
3. Select an in-person appointment to finalize enrollment and verify documentations with the site’s Secretary through SignUpGenius (1 time slot per student, please).
4. Bring the following documents to your appointment:
Photo ID to verify your identity (e.g. driver’s license, passport, etc.)
Your 2 Proofs of Residency. If you are new to the area, you will have a 30-day grace period to provide your second proof. Please note that we do not accept utility bills or grant deeds. If you reside with someone in Brentwood and are not able to provide proofs of residency under your own name, please reach out to the BUSD District Office at (925) 513-6300 for assistance.
Your child's original Birth Certificate (copies are not accepted)
Immunization record
If applicable, a copy of your child's IEP or 504
If this is your student’s first entry into California’s public school system, please fill out either TK Questionnaire or K Questionnaire, and Home Language Survey.
Your child is NOT required to be at this appointment but always welcome.
Registration appointments will take place at the BUSD District Office. Our address is 255 Guthrie Lane, Brentwood, CA 94513.
For more information about registration, please give our office a call at 925-513-6100 or email