Penny Wars is coming next week!! Help us fundraise for the school while having an exciting time earning classroom prizes. Good luck Coyotes!!

Dr. Krey visited students at lunch to help celebrate Read Across America Week! #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

5th graders are experiencing the Walk Through Revolution this week. They're really engaged in their roles. #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD.

Mrs.Swett's second graders completed Four Hearts by Jim Dine. The art really pops when you walk by. #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD.

Our kinder students delivered a wonderful performance for their parents. Everyone enjoyed the patriotic theme. #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

Our students' voices were confident and motivational during tonight's Oratorical event. What a great moment for each Krey Coyote!! #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

Third graders thought the Black Diamond Mines were impressive!! They learned a lot about the dangers of coal mining and the tools needed. #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

Our students and staff showered our counselor, Mrs. Souza, with gift cards and thank you cards. We really appreciate her!! #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

AMS 7th graders presented to our 5th graders on internet safety. Several are former Coyotes and were intentional in building the slides for 5th graders. #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

The third grade trip to Los Vaqueros was engaging and fun! #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

Second grade celebrated 101 days of school with a Dalmatian theme. #WeAreBUSD #kreycoyotes

Our Courageous Coyote Pack celebrated students during their awards assembly. #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

We appreciate our families who came out for a fun and relaxed night of BINGO! Thanks Krey PTO for sponsoring our event. #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

Celebrating 100 days of school with hats and decorated shirts. So much excitement!
#kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

Brentwood PD Officers King and Maanao were here to teach TK students about police officer tools, 911, and strangers. #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

We're very proud of our Top 20 Spelling Bee participants! Congrats to Pranav at 3rd, Anish at 2nd, and our champion, Shriya!

Mrs. Lonaker's third graders are organizing their thoughts to write a paragraph about traveling to the moon. #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

A few of our Krey Coyotes performed at the Tunnels of Joy this evening. Everyone sounded beautiful!! #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD.

Mrs Bullington's students lined up and counted their canned food donations this morning for the BRCC drive. They're so proud to donate. #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD

Mrs. Robert's fifth graders shared their performance of Ebenezer Scrooge with their families today! #kreycoyotes #WeAreBUSD