Lots of smiles at Ron Nunn Elementary this week! We love seeing the happy faces! #WeareBUSD
BUSD is proud to continue our Community Celebrations in the 2023-24 school year. This month, BUSD will focus on Identity and Diversity. For more information regarding our community celebrations and to provide feedback, visit the webpage link below. #WEareBUSD
We had some very special guests in the building today. None other than former Superintendent, Doug Adams (J. Adams Middle School), Steve Gursky (Board Trustee), Dr. Eaton, Mary Black (Mary Casey Black Elementary), Emil Geddes (Board Trustee), Lill Pierce (Brentwood Regional Community Chest) and Dr. Krey (Krey Elementary). We are so grateful for these important figures in our history! #WeareBUSD
It was a wonderful first day at Mary Casey Black Elementary! Dr. Eaton was even part of the welcoming committee! #WeareBUSD
Welcome Back BUSD community! It was a great first day back at Krey Elementary, where Dr. Krey showed up to welcome families and students back to school! #WeareBUSD
Download our new app for the latest school information and updates!
To apply, visit: https://www.applitrack.com/brentwoodusd/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Certificated
Please be sure to complete parent confirmation for all students at BUSD. Full details are attached. https://brentwoodusd.aeries.net/
Thank you Brentwood Turkey Trot, for continuing to support our athletic programs at BUSD!
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Brentwood
School District! It's everything Brentwood School District, in
your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3Ncy3mh
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3qG95E7
Save the date! BUSD Instructional Aide Job Fair!
Marsh Creek TK and Kindergarten teachers put on the sweetest end of year show for families. Way to go teachers and students! #WeareBUSD #mchawks
The third grade country faire at Krey Elementary created a lot of laughs! What a wonderful to celebrate a year full of accomplishments. #kreycoyotes #WeareBUSD
There was no shortage of fun at Adams MS this week!
This school year, BUSD Community Celebrations have been established to foster a sense of "belonging" in our schools. In June, we recognize Pride month. Thank you to our community, staff and students for all of the great lessons and activities celebrated throughout the school year.
5th graders at Ron Nunn are excited to go to middle school! Thank you to the Bristow Bear and Principal Perales for stopping by to get kids excited for next school year!
BUSD Food Services and Dwelley Family Farm have partnered this spring to bring fresh, local organic cherries to our students both with school lunch and in the classroom with an interactive taste and learn activity. In addition to learning about the lifecycle of a cherry tree and cherry nutrition facts, students submitted questions to ask Farmer John Dwelley in a video interview filmed by DVTV class students (Deer Valley High School) which they viewed in class while trying the Royal Tioga Organic Cherries.
You can also watch the Cherry interview here to learn more about growing cherries in Brentwood!
Upper grade level video link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIUp-ywwb9o
Lower grade level video link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUZP8rOZ3Sw
As a follow up to our previous communication, construction has begun on the newest school site in our district and plans are underway for a July, 2024 opening! As a valued part of our community, we want your feedback on naming recommendations for this new school. We are accepting school naming recommendations through June 15th, 2023. We want your feedback! To provide a naming recommendation, please click the link below to provide your feedback. Alternatively, you can email your recommendation to nkleven@brentwood.k12.ca.us.
BUSD is continuing recruiting efforts for the 2023-2024 school year. If you are interested, please apply via the link below:
Students had too much fun at "Slime Mr. Casey Day!" Students who raised over $200
For Kids Heart Challenge got to slime the principal today! The smiles say it all! Thank you Mr. Casey for being a good sport!