These Edna Hill students created and performed their own original puppet show tonight at Edna Hill Middle School's Open House. They were so talented!
Congratulations to Dr. Eaton on his award from the Contra Costa Reading Association (CCRA)! The press release stated, "Dr. Eaton is an ongoing supporter of CCRA’s work in promoting literacy and a love of reading. Last year Dr. Eaton offered to hand deliver a flier to parents just before summer break. It contained easy tips on ways parents can support their children’s reading and prevent “summer skills slide." Because Garin Elementary School had the most CCRA members, every child chose a book to own and enjoy. For the most part of an afternoon, Dr. Eaton helped children choose books. As parents entered the parking lot, they were thrilled to see their children sitting on curbs and benches deeply engaged with their new book. " Thank you Dr. Eaton for your support in promoting literacy and a love of reading!
Congratulations are in order to our hard working 3rd grade students at Pioneer Elementary, who performed the Brentwood musical today! Thank you to our staff and students for making the magic come to life!
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
Students at Marsh Creek Elementary are loving the new Ga Ga pit purchased with Turkey Trot funds. Thank you again for your continued support of this event!
#WeareBUSD #mchawks