Back to School night for TK and K was well attended! Thanks parents for partnering up with us to kick off a great year!! #kreycoyotes #WeareBUSD

Download our new app for the latest school information and updates!

We're getting excited for the first day of school!! Drop by the marquee for a picture with the yard art both Sunday and/or Monday!! #kreycoyotes #WeareBUSD

To apply, visit: https://www.applitrack.com/brentwoodusd/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Certificated

Please be sure to complete parent confirmation for all students at BUSD. Full details are attached. https://brentwoodusd.aeries.net/

Not only is it time to get that first day of school outfit picked out but also time to think about picture day!!
Cut and paste this link into your browser to place an order:

We look forward to meeting with parents at our Back to School Night events!

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Brentwood
School District! It's everything Brentwood School District, in
your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3Ncy3mh
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3qG95E7

Save the date! BUSD Instructional Aide Job Fair!

The third grade country faire at Krey Elementary created a lot of laughs! What a wonderful to celebrate a year full of accomplishments. #kreycoyotes #WeareBUSD

As a follow up to our previous communication, construction has begun on the newest school site in our district and plans are underway for a July, 2024 opening! As a valued part of our community, we want your feedback on naming recommendations for this new school. We are accepting school naming recommendations through June 15th, 2023. We want your feedback! To provide a naming recommendation, please click the link below to provide your feedback. Alternatively, you can email your recommendation to nkleven@brentwood.k12.ca.us.