Congratulations to preschool teacher Rachel Colwell for being selected as the Contra Costa SELPA Community Advisory Council Award Winner for the Brentwood Union School District. Rachel's leadership, commitment, & dedication to students & the school community are appreciated.

Ramadan started on Saturday, March 3rd. IME wishes all who practice a peaceful and blessed Ramadan.

IME is kicking of Read Across America week and the crew in the Otter Cafe is helping to get kids excited about reading. Throughout the week we will have surprise guest readers. More pictures to come to reveal our special guests.

What a way to wrap up February- High 5 Friday and Sports Day! Students and staff showed their school spirit representing a wide variety of sports including hocket, basketball, and Nascar. We welcome March and the final two weeks of the 3rd quarter.

Drum roll for the mystery reader in Mrs. Cook's 3rd grade class... Mrs. Delgado was the mystery reader this week which was a great surprise for her daughter! Thank you Mrs. Delgado for reading "In My Heart" to the class.

More sprinkles of kindness seen throughout the halls and in classrooms at IME. Student leadership did such an amazing job reminding others of the power of kindness and took time to read to younger classes or do an art project with them.

Students at IME are celebrating Black History Month. 4th & 5th graders are learning about influential historical figures like Thurgood Marshall, Ruby Bridges, Rosa Parks, etc. Mrs. Cook's students are reading fiction & non-fiction books available in the classroom library.

Thank you, Student Leadership, for spreading kindness through IME this week. The leadership team was quite busy as they sold Valentine's Gram, created posters of gratitude & inspiration, and read to younger classes. Let's continue spreading the love & kindness.

Congratulations to Uma Steinhauer & Alecia Dean who were celebrated &recognized today for their dedication to IME. Uma was named the Classified Employee of the Year & Alecia the Certificated Employee of the Year. Thank you both for all that you do for the staff & students at IME.

IME students were decked out in their glitter & glow attire for IME's first dance. Thank you to our AMAZING Parents' Club who organized & hosted this fun event for school families. We had well over 400 people in attendance. Also, thanks to DJ Jason for the lights & great music.

Friday was a busy day at IME. A friendly lizard made its way out to High 5 Friday to greet students, Ms. Barnard had her weekly lunch bunch with several 1st graders & Student Leadership led their 1st rally at IME. Great job to our student leaders- we are so proud of you.

4th & 5th graders had an opportunity to learn about fire safety from the Contra Costa Fire Department. Students learned how to help prevent a fire, how to protect themselves if a fire occurs & the importance of creating a fire escape route! Thank you CC Fire Dept.

13 Students were celebrated today and enjoyed a cookie party. These students were selected during the PAW raffle and were recognized for demonstrating our SWIM characteristics. They filled their tummies with cookies and milk.

The Happy Habitat Committee- 4th & 5th leadership students- have been busy creating a warm & welcoming environment at IME. Thanks to a very generous donation from Lowe's (thank you Mrs. Liebengood) & the hard work of students, beautifully potted flowers brighten the school.

Happy 100th Day of School IME! There was so much school spirit today! We have people who brought their 100 year old selves to school today & others who recognized that they are 100 days smarter!

1st - 5th grade students were honored for demonstrating SWIM characteristics consistently during the 1st semester. S- Showing Respect, W- Being Welcoming, I - Being Intentional, M- Making Connections are the characteristics we focus on at IME. Congratulations!

IME staff were as excited to join a house as the 4th & 5th students were to have their house choose them! The energy in the MPR was pulsing when staff took turns selecting a house out of a hat. It will be fun to see how - Reveur, Isibindi, Amistad & Altruismo thrive!

As we honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we reflect on his vision for equality, justice and service. Classes learned about Dr. King's vision throughout the week and Mrs. Gusto's class honored him by creating a portraits of him.

Welcome to our new School Resource Officer (SPR), Matt King. Officer King will serve the elementary & middle schools in Brentwood, ensuring a safe & positive environment for students, staff, & families.

What do IME students do when the temperature is cold enough that it could snow but there is no precipitation? In Ms. Gusto's kindergarten class, they make their own snow when mother nature doesn't provide it!