Happy Halloween from the IME Staff. We hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween.

Mr. Montañez joined 3rd grade students during their recent fieldtrip to the Byer-Nail House where they learned about local history. Students were excited to see IME's name sake who greeted them with a warm welcome. Thank you, Mr. Montañez & the Byer/Nail House volunteers.

Parents' Club outdid themselves with our 1st Trunk or Treat. The trunks were amazing & so creative. Liberty HS volunteers & 5th grade leaders helped run all of the games - we appreciate you all. Thank you Parents' Club for hosting such a fun event for our school community.

Second grade students got to spend time this afternoon with the City of Brentwood - Police Department. The officers talked to the students about safety, and they were able to tour the tactical ambulance & a police car as well as learn how a drone works.

Thank you to Mr. Joe & Mr. JJ from East Contra Costa Historical Society for teaching our 3rd grade students about our county and people indigenous to the area. Later the classes participated in an "archeological dig"! Mr. Joe & Mr. JJ were so kind & knowledgeable.

High 5 Friday started the day with laughter& smiles! Students were greeted at the door & throughout the hallway with High 5s & a warm welcome from staff, a unicorn & a ballerina hippo. We love our students & want them to know we are happy they are at IME.

Our amazing Otter Cafe Crew outdid themselves decorating the cafe. Mr. Bone Jangles loved it there so much he is back, there is a baby Bone Jangles & the pirate ship made by Deanna is amazing. Love your spirit ladies and the students were so excited to see all of the decor.

Mrs. Albertelli had a hard time sleeping last night in anticipation of finally opening the doors to the IME Library. Mrs. Dean and her class enjoyed their time with Mrs. Albertelli who couldn't stop smiling!

Even Mr. Bones Jangles needs to have some fun after all his work. After mopping all of the floors at IME (and there are A LOT), his trickster ways got the best of him and he stole Mrs. Saylor's clothes. Naughty Bones Jangles.

Mr. Bones Jangles is working hard in 2nd grade. He gave Mrs. Wilkin's quite a fright when he was still busy at work early in the morning.

Students at IME are celebrating and learning about Hispanic Heritage. Ms. Sacco's TK class learned about Frida Kahlo & created a beautiful piece of art work. Students in Mrs. Cook's class learned about heritage & one student proudly shared pictures of her dancing.

What a way to wrap up the quarter! Spirit week, a school dedication, & a rally. WOW! Friday, Ike the Otter made an appearance. Otter Valets were recognized. Mr. C, Ms. Houghton, & Mr. Gomes were mummified. 6 Exceptional Otters were celebrated & Many classes earned Otter Pops.

The dedication celebrating Isaac Montañez was beautiful & so incredibly special. Surrounded by family, friends, colleagues, & former students, Ike was recognized for his dedication to education & his community. He is an inspiration.

There is a new man on campus, Mr. Bone-Jangles. He made himself comfortable in the principal's office and gave her quite a scare. Beware, Mr. Bone-Jangles is very nimble & has made his way around campus. Thank you for the laughs, Bone-Jangels!

It isn't too early to start planning for a healthy kick-off to Thanksgiving! Look for more information about the 24th annual Brentwood Turkey Trot for School! Run or walk the 5K route but don't wait to register! Sign-up before 11/1 for a free shirt.

Friends & families when dropping off & picking up students, please remember to drive slow through the parking lot. Look for kids & adults crossing the street & follow traffic signs. A few extra minutes make all the difference in the world to the safety of our school community.

Mrs. Jones' class is working on perceptual motor skills where student balance, hop, and step over & crawl under a variety of obstacles. There was so much joy in the MPR that one couldn't help but smile. Thank you to our amazing TK teachers, Mrs. Jones & Ms. Sacco.

Next week is the final week of the quarter & teachers look forward to conferencing with families. To celebrate a successful 1st quarter, IME is having its first Spirit Week culminating with a rally on Friday morning. Otters, show your school spirit.

TK-5th grade students practiced how to safely evacuate a school bus. Thank you Liberty Transportation for teaching IME students bus safety.

Thank you Simoni & Massoni for donating 5 boxes of corn. Students in grades 2-5 had the opportunity to shuck corn today and learn about the husk, silk, etc. What a great experience for students! They will get to enjoy fresh corn served tomorrow by our amazing food service crew.