What do IME students do when the temperature is cold enough that it could snow but there is no precipitation? In Ms. Gusto's kindergarten class, they make their own snow when mother nature doesn't provide it!

3rd graders in Mrs. Cook's class enjoy their time in the library. While we are still working to fill the shelves with books, there are so many great choices that make it a challenge to pick one book to check out. Thank you Mrs. Lopez & Mrs. Albertelli for all of your hard work.

A record was set last week at IME! Mrs. Wilkins' 2nd grade class is the first class to have perfect attendance (all students in class and on time) for the whole week. Congratulations 2nd graders for showing up eager and ready to learn.

It was a beautiful morning for some hockey! The brisk temperatures did not stop Ms. Silveira's 4th graders from enthusiastically participating in friendly competition. Thank you Mr. Zanotto for giving students an opportunity to pick up a hockey stick and try a new sport.

Mrs. Griggs' 5th grade students were focused during their literature circles & worked to track the text. While they were honing their reading skills, all 4th grade students dug into the next science unit on Soil, Rocks, & Landforms. Maybe there are some geologists in the group!

TK students in Ms. Sacco's class had a great time with their perceptual motor activities today. They ended their session with a dance party. They had so much fun & never ran out of energy!

3rd & kinder buddy classes enjoyed making trees out of sugar ice cream cones, green frosting & lots of sprinkles. As much as they enjoyed making them, I think they loved eating them even more. There were so many green smiles!

Congratulations IME students - we had the best attendance for elementary schools during the month of Nov. Families, thank you for getting your kids to school on time & keeping them healthy. We appreciate you & are happiest when all of students are at school - every day matters.

Today IME students thanked our SRO Officer Bollinger for his years of service to BUSD schools. Students clapped, cheered, and gave high 5s to recognized our beloved SRO. We will miss having you on campus Officer Bollinger.

Day 3 of Spirit Week - Winter Wonderland. Students & staff were cozy on this foggy day as they were decked out in hats, scarves, and gloves. There were so many variations of snowmen! Tomorrow - Sweater Weather. Wear your favorite sweater or sweatshirt.

Day 1 of Spirit Week - Feeling Grinchy! Not only did students & staff deck themselves out in Grinch wear or green but many brought canned foods & toys to make the Grinch's heart grow! People in the Brentwood community will certainly be appreciative. Tomorrow - cozy /fun socks!

Every adult on campus has an impact. Our night custodian, Alfredo, plays music that fills the halls bringing joy to those around. To get in the spirit, he also decorated his cart with festive lights. The Otter Café crew also transitioned the café to beautiful Winter Wonderland.

4th grade students are in the giving spirit & are busy filling the donation bins for the Brentwood Regional Community Chest. BRCC & BUSD hope to support over 400 families. If you haven't had a chance to give non-perishable food or toys, we have until 12/20. Help us, help others!

4th & 5th grade students participated in an all day retreat focused on leadership, kindness & belonging. One of the highlights of the day was picking a House. The excitement & energy was felt & heard throughout the school. Stay tuned for more info on the House System.

How does IME embrace the first rainy day on an early release day? We dance and clap it out! Students loved the music and were excited to show their dance moves! Have a restful break IME families.

Mrs. Griggs & Mrs. Dean's buddy classes gathered for some fun in the breezeway. After participating in a community circle, they played a game which resulted in a wide variety of turkey drawings.

Students & staff were wacky from head to toe today! Instant Noodle hair, mismatching shoes, silly socks, & so much more were just what IME needed to kick off our November Spirit Day - Wacky Wednesday.

During the month of Nov. students have been reflecting. The 1st week students identified who they are grateful for. Week 2 they captured who/what they are grateful for at school. Gratitude Grams are on display for all to see & it is a joy to see people stop to read them.

Staff & students at IME are getting in the spirit! We have Balloons Over IME throughout the 2nd -5th grade hallway & Mrs. Olff's class has Balloons Over Broadway with some very creative designs. Some classes made community quilts capturing what they are thankful for.

Wednesday, 11/20 is Wacky Wednesday. Students are encouraged to be creative with wacky hair, wacky outfits, etc.