Meet the newest members of the Montañez Family. They are excited to work with the school community.
10 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Newest IME members
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 20. Christie Liebengood, 4/5, is loyal, compassionate, & honest. Teaching feeds her soul, especially when students experience AH-HA moments- their smiles & sense of pride are amazing. The relationships formed & laughter shared are priceless.
10 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Christie Liebengood
Calling all IME parents! We need you to cast your vote for Parents' Club elections. We have heard from many of you but there are so many more we want to hear from. Please take a few minutes to complete the ballot available on the website.
10 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 19. Michelle Grimshaw, intervention, has showered BUSD students over the last 20 years with her humor, respect & empathy. Her collaborative, positive nature makes her an ideal teammate. She enjoys cooking & spending time with her loved ones.
10 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Melissa and Christie showing their school spirit.
Michelle and her beautiful children.
A BIG shout out to the Otterly Amazing IME staff who eagerly dug into the work of creating the Founding Principles for the school. Your hard work, collaboration, & enthusiasm are appreciated & commendable. IME students are so lucky to work with such a dedicated staff.
10 months ago, Danielle Daubin
The staff is eager to start planning for the new school year.
TK, Kinder, and 1st grade teachers were busy collaborations on IME's Founding Principles.
But first, let's get to know each other!
Teams working together to figure out what will stand at the heart of IME.
Collaborating on the Founding Principles
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 18. Jessica Houghton, K, is a kind, creative, empathic teacher who ignites a spark for learning. She is a team player who is excited about working with the IME staff to shape the culture of the school. In her free time she enjoys roller skating.
10 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Jessica is all smiles on graduation day.
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 19. Mallissa Silveira, 4, strives to build impactful relationships with her students & loves witnessing all the growth they make throughout the year! She is excited to meet so many new faces & be a part of the starting stages of the new school.
10 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Mallissa with her dog.
Thank you to all of the parents and families who joined us last Wednesday for the Parent Meeting. The staff loved seeing familiar faces & meeting new families. We are excited to start our partnership on this journey. A special thank you to Ike Montañez for his guest appearance.
10 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Welcome parents
Aim High saved the day by providing activies for students during the parent meeting.
Parents' Club
One way families can get involved is through the Art Docent Program.
Angela Daansen and Rebecca Delgato welcome families.
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 17. Jenneliza Baysa, Speech (SLP), is passionate about supporting & inspiring students from culturally & linguistically diverse backgrounds. She looks forward to building a strong team at IME with staff & students. She enjoys long walks with her dogs.
10 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Jenneliza with her baby.
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 16. Melissa Bower, 3rd, aims to inspire a love for learning & is a champion for all students. She is excited about the opportunity to build a school culture with the IME team! She enjoys exercising, reading, spending time with family,& going to the beach.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Melissa with her three boys.
Melissa Bowers
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 15. Maia Correal, ISP, has wanted to be a teacher since 2nd grade. She is excited to join the IME team & be a part of creating systems to best support students. Maia is an avid reader & believes it is important to "Be the change you want to see."
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Maia loves to read.
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 14. Tre Collins, psychologist, is looking forward to establishing systems & foundations at IME that will foster growth & positivity. He finds joy in educating & helping kids develop into upstanding community members. Tre enjoys coaching basketball.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Tre Collins
Tre with some of his 4th grade players.
Basketball coach, Tre, poses with one of his players.
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 13. Kristen Barnard, 1st, is a team player & looks forward to creating a positive school culture with the IME Team. She welcomes the hard work ahead knowing there is going to be a lot of fun along the journey. Kristen enjoys watching baseball & hockey.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Kristin is an avid hockey fan.
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 12. Lesley Olff, 1st, is honest, fair, & finds the positive in every situation. She loves working to create an organized & calm place where students can thrive. In her free time, Leslie loves hiking and planning fun family trips.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Leslie Olff
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 11. Cynthia King, TK, is driven by a deep purpose to make a difference in the lives of every kiddo she teaches, & is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to their journey of learning & growth. Favorite quote "Believe you can and you're halfway there"
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Cynthia King and her family.
More smiles as students receive their letters welcoming them to Montañez Elementary. The staff wants every student to feel welcome & wanted to personally reach out with a personalized letter. Brooklyn & Nolan are thrilled to join their mom as the 3 of them head to IME.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Wilkins Family with their Welcome letters.
Student reading her bookmark.
The construction crew has been hard at work & their progress is amazing. Bathrooms have sinks, toilets, & stalls! Classrooms are coming together with the cabinets, cubbies, whiteboards, & carpet. The exterior has color & the yard is leveled. Kudos to RGMK & Overaa crews.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Front of the school
IME is excited to welcome six new staff members to the Otter Family. The team is growing and we are anxious to start planning for the upcoming school year.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
IME welcomes 6 new staff members!
Last week Montañez students received a letter welcoming them to the Home of the Otters. The joy captured as these precious students opened their letters full of confetti, a special bookmark, a personal note from a staff member, and an otter sticker is priceless.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Everett and Ella Schaeffer opening their welcome letters.
Nehemiah Battiste shows the sticker he got.
Sophia Battiste is excited about her new school.
Molly Matthies is glowing with excitement after receiving her welcome letter from IME.
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 10. Jamie Griggs, 5th, strives to create a learning environment that she always longed for: A family community where students feel they belong & enjoy learning! Her warm demeanor helps students feel welcome. Fun fact: favorite Starbucks- iced tea no sugar!
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Jamie Griggs