Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 9. Rebecca Delgado, 4th, is passionate about teaching & finds joy in the excitement students feel when they have "a-ha" moments. She enjoys camping (trailer), reading, the outdoors, & family. Rebecca is excited to be a part of starting a new school.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Rebecca Delgado
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 8. Cynthia Pannu, K, is always smiling! It is with her smile, kindness & warmth that she works her magic in shaping little minds. Outside of work she enjoys reading, scrapbooking & traveling. Fun fact: favorite Starbucks drink is a peppermint white mocha!
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Cynthia Pannu shares her beautiful smile for the camera.
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 7. Kate Cook, 3rd, is empathic & understanding which contributes to her helping every child see their potential & realize how amazing they are! She strives to make students feel important & worthy. Outside of school she enjoys the mountains & her family.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Kate Cook
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 6. Lindsey Saylor, 3rd, lives by Walt Disney's belief that "It's kind-of fun to do the impossible." She is curious by nature, loves to laugh, & has a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Lindsey is passionate about helping students develop a love for reading.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
LindseySaylor giving a thumbs up.
Welcome back from spring break. Stay tuned for more spotlight features on the amazing IME staff.
11 months ago, Danielle Daubin
We are taking a short break from "Meet the IME Staff" due to spring break, but this staff does not slow down for long. On their first day of break they laughed & got to know each other over breakfast & a tour of IME. The excitement is palpable!
12 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Staff tour of IME
Staff checking out the cabinets
TK Teacher, Debbie Jones
Lindsey Saylor can't hide her excitement
Meet the IME Staff, P. 5. Alecia Dean, 2nd, is looking forward to building a culture where all students feel comfortable & welcome so they can be the best version of themselves from day 1. She believes having fun is not a diversion from a successful life, its the pathway to it.
12 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Alecia Dean and her beautiful daughter.
Meet the IME Staff, Pt. 4. Angela Daansen, Intervention, loves that her job enables her to make a difference. She provides students a safe & loving place to grow & finds being part of their learning rewarding. Each day in education is a new adventure! Progress not perfection.
12 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Angela and her son out enjoying the wilderness.
Meet the IME Staff, Part 3. Ashley Wilkins, 2nd, looks forward to the challenge of starting a school from the beginning. The quote, "Do or do not. There is no try!" (Yoda) highlights Ashley's work ethic & dedication to her students. Ashley & her little otters are big 49ner fans!
12 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Ashley Wilkins and her kids at a 49ners games.
Meet the IME Staff, part 2. Arlene Gusto, Kinder teacher, is excited to be a part of opening a new school, but she is no stranger to the hard work & energy it requires. She helped open Loma Vista & Pioneer. Words to describe Arlene are trustworthy, humorous, creative & faithful.
12 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Arlene Gusto, kinder teacher
Meet the IME Staff, part 1 . Debbie Jones, TK teacher, is excited to open a new school & make it a place where kids thrive. When not working her magic with students, she enjoys spending time with family, playing with her dog, sewing, camping, & watching movies.
12 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Debbie & Uma
We are excited to announce the Otter staff is growing. Help us welcome these 10 Otterly amazing teachers.
12 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Start Intro
The exterior is getting some paint, cabinets are being installed in classrooms, & Smith Road is being widened. Progress!
12 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Widening of Smith Road
Classroom cabinets
Gym (right), Library (middle), and classrooms (left)
The IME team is growing! Tune in on Friday for the beginning of "Meet the IME Staff" highlights.
12 months ago, Danielle Daubin
Thank you to the parents and families who joined us last night for the Meet & Greet. We are so excited to build a Dream Team of support for our students!
about 1 year ago, Danielle Daubin
Meet & Greet with IME families
families and students hearing all about IME
Ike the Otter helped welcome families
What an honor to accompany Ike and his daughter Mimi, a fellow educator, on a tour of the school. The countdown clock for the construction crew will be down to double digits before we know it!
about 1 year ago, Danielle Daubin
Count down clock for RGMK & Overaa!
Picture of Ike Montanez and his daughter Mimi for a school tour today
Meet and Greet tonight, 2/22 from 6:30-7:30 at the District Office. We would love the opportunity to meet you and start building a relationship while sharing our vision for IME. Hope to see you tonight.
about 1 year ago, Danielle Daubin
Great turn out at the TK/Kinder fair last night. Parents learned how to prepare their kids for a successful start to the school year.
about 1 year ago, Danielle Daubin
Mrs. Uma shared stickers with lots of TK/K kids
future TK and K Otters
future otters- brother and sister
Uma handing out stickers.
Let me introduce Isaac "Ike" Montañez. Ike dedicated his career to education. He is passionate about bilingual education and has been incredibly generous in giving many committee organizations his gift of time. It is an honor to open a school with his name.
about 1 year ago, Danielle Daubin
Picture of Ike Montañez
Welcome to our first two official Otters! If you haven't registered your TK or kindergarten student yet, it is not too late. We look forward to hearing from you.
about 1 year ago, Danielle Daubin
IME’s first preschool student to enroll. Welcome Nehemiah.
Kiara is the first kindergarten student to enroll in IME and she is beyond excited to start school in July.